Recent world events pertaining to the environment and our impact on it has many of us thinking about what we can do to make a difference. And like most things out there, never fear, there is an app for that.
We take a look at five apps that will help us make different or informed choices about our spending habits and resource use.
MathTapper Carbon Choices
Climate change, greenhouse gases (GHG), C02e, are not clear terms to most of us. We know that they describe a problem, but we can’t easily define them or interpret the magnitude of the numbers that we hear. This app is intended to support students, parents, and teachers in building a sound understanding of the numeric values associated with these terms.
This apps takes everyday activities such as bathing, eating, transportation, entertainment, and helps students to make the connection between their everyday choices. This means tracking your minutes in the shower, km traveled by car, or type of food consumed and the kg of C02e that will be emitted if they repeat those choices over a year.
Download here for iOS
JouleBug is an easy way to make your everyday habits more sustainable, at home, work, and play. Discover how you and your friends can use resources, without using them up. JouleBug creates sustainability tips that you can action in the app when you do them in real-life. Learn more about each tip with easy-to-understand Impact Stats, Bonuses, How-To Videos, and Helpful Links. Encourage your friends to join in by sharing how you’re making a difference and following what they’re up to a feed in the app.
Download here for iOS or here for Google Play
Recycle Nation
RecycleNation is an innovative mobile app designed to increase responsible recycling rates nationwide by making recycling easier for everyone involved. The location-based app enables users to search for recycling locations, find places to mail in items for recycling, share recycling tips with friends and family, view and track their environmental impact and much more! It is also possible to get customized and timely alerts about recycling-related events in your city.
Download here for iOS or here for Google Play
Learn which brands are most eco-friendly with this barcode scanner app. Buycott helps you use your dollars to create change. This barcode scanner provides an unfiltered look at every product in the store providing information on the product’s history, supply chain, and human rights impact.
Download here for iOS or here for Google Play
Earth Now
NASA’s Earth-Now app visualizes recent global climate data, pulling information from satellites to create globes depicting a given climate condition or “vital sign.” The color-coded globe indicates measurements of a particular environmental condition, making this app ideal for those who like to track climate change with their own eyes.
Download here for iOS or here for Google Play
Our ability to track, understand and vote with our wallet is much easier to do with access to the right information. We hope you find these recommendations helpful! If you have any questions about installing or using these apps please get in touch, we are always happy to help.