
May 24, 2022

4 Apps For Enjoying The Great Outdoors

The days are getting longer and warmer! Now is the time to get outside and enjoy these wonderful spring days! We have put together a list of four great apps to get out there and enjoy the natural beauty of our state!

All Trails

The beauty of nature doesn’t need to be hard to find. The app All Trails has built the largest collection of hand-curated trail guides, so you can explore the outdoors with confidence. Know the details before you go. This app has information on 75,000+ trails. Browse hand-curated trail maps, as well as trail reviews, photos, and activity recordings, contributed by a community of hikers, mountain bikers, trail runners and more.

Download for iOS or Android.

Bunurong Marine National Park Field Guide

The Bunurong Marine National Park, is more than 2,000 hectares extending along six kilometers of coastline. Parks Victoria has created this app with photos and information on over 300 species of marine and coastal animals and plants found in the Bunurong Marine National Park and nearby waters. It includes park information and activities that may interest visitors. Maps and a gallery of the location, marine life and habitats are provided.

Download for iOS or Android.

Field Guide to Victorian Fauna

Developed by scientists at Museum Victoria this app holds descriptions of over 950 species including birds, fishes, frogs, lizards, snakes, mammals, freshwater, terrestrial and marine invertebrates, spiders, and insects including butterflies. From animals found in rockpools, little creatures in your garden, or wildlife in the bush, the animals found in the State of Victoria are unique and diverse. Detailed descriptions of animals, maps of distribution, and endangered species status combine with stunning imagery and sounds to provide a valuable reference that can be used in urban, bush and coastal environments.

Download for iOS and Android.


GoFishVic is the answer to capturing data that leads to a better fishing future for anglers across Victoria. This app is the digital reinvention of how recreational fishers can record their fishing successes and improve their future results. The data will at the same time, help the Victorian Fisheries Authority gather invaluable data to track the performance of our most important fisheries. This ensures their health and stock for us today and future generations.

Users can improve their fishing success by recording their experiences, reviewing their catch history, and analyze visual graphs of their fishing results by the trip, by species, by location, and more. You decide how to filter the information, so you can see at a glance where the best fisheries are, what gear and bait works best, where record numbers of species are, and what seasonal conditions are best to catch them.

Download for iOS and Android.

Get out there and enjoy this beautiful time of year! Download these apps to help you explore Victoria.


Julie Dunmore

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