
May 24, 2022

200 Dodgy Apps Removed By App Store

The fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal continues. The increased awareness has created stricter guidelines for privacy and personal data. The flow on effect of these changes is that the rule breakers are being discovered.

With the stricter standards being enforced in the aftermath of the data breach scandal any app that doesn’t conform with Facebook’s new stricter standards will be removed from the app stores.

Ensuring that our personal data protected is a positive move and many experts agree that there are going to be more issues discovered in the near future.

According to the, Noah Abelson-Gertler, chief executive of legal rights management firm ShareRoot, said Facebook users should prepare to see more details of privacy abuses in future, and should not assume their data would remain untouched.

“In previous years consumers were not aware of these privacy violations but, because we are beginning to care more, the truth behind unfair and inequitable data practices are being uncovered and shared publicly,” he said.

“This pattern is not going to stop, we are just scratching the surface.”

Facebook remains under investigation by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner following its data scandal and faces new regulations, enforceable undertakings, and up to $2.1 million in court-ordered penalties if they are found to have breached Australia’s Privacy Act.

If you are concerned about any of your personal information and it’s use feel free to get in touch with questions. We are always happy to help protect your privacy online.


Julie Dunmore

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