
May 24, 2022

Choose Your Movie With Choovie!

An all Aussie app developed by a couple in St Kilda offers Uber-style dynamic pricing that allows moviegoers to find cheaper movie tickets at participating cinemas. In an effort to “improve the efficiency” of a cinema screening a movie and its often many empty seats, Choovie bridges this gap and delivers a win-win for all parties. This could be very handy over the holidays when it’s raining outside, or you’re looking for a last minute date plan!

With backgrounds in social enterprise, Shane Thatcher and Sonya Stephen believe the app they developed, Choovie will “raise seat occupancy in screenings by 17% to 18%”, as stated in The Sydney Morning Herald.

This has to be good news for the cinema business which sells only 16% of available cinema seats – that’s five out of every six seats that are likely to be empty! Choovie aims to lift the 90 million annual ticket sales by 12% to over 100,800,000 tickets and will take $1.25 for each ticket sold through the app.

And, in keeping with their social enterprise backgrounds, Thatcher and Stephen are planning to give 5% of all Choovie profits back into Australian cinema. So, you can rest assured that using Choovie will also be doing good for our film business.

Choovie’s developers discovered this monumental gap in the numbers of movies screening and the numbers of bums on seats in a rather interesting way. They dashed from empty cinema to empty cinema at the Jam Factory in Melbourne, one Wednesday afternoon after they had gone to a 5:30 pm session. The lightbulb was sparked (and so was the interest of a couple of security guards watching them dash about) and the couple’s research began.

Two and a half years later, Choovie – quite likely the first of its kind, was launched and the couple is working on getting cinema owners in Australia on board and signed up. The Uber-style dynamic pricing could see ticket prices surge when hot blockbusters are released though they are hopeful that it will not be more than the regular full adult ticket price. The aim – the developers maintain is to sell more of the 84% of empty seats at a movie screening.

It will be up to cinema owners to set the top and bottom prices for tickets to their choosing and the more that sign up the better Choovie will be at providing users with best-priced tickets at their choice of cinema.

With the take up of home streaming services like iTunes, Netflix and Stan, Choovie offers a new way to encourage people to step out and experience cinema.

If you love cinema and movies, Choovie would be a great way to get to see more.

Download Choovie from the App Store or Google Play


Julie Dunmore

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